Birthing Pains

I am new to this blogging thing. I usually pride myself on being technical savvy until I actually try to do something technical then I realize I didn’t really know much about it. So forgive this old fogey as she tries to figure it out. The directions in the “easy how-to” box said to use your first post to describe why you are writing a blog. I had to wait until the next day to write because I wanted to do some serious thinking. I woke up this morning ready to write something earth-shifting. Instead, I’m sitting here with my coffee thinking “I get to drink coffee slowly because there’s no school today and my child is still sound asleep.” Life is good. God is good. Hey, that sounds like a good start. My blog is about life: life as a parent, life as a wife, life as a teacher, life as a child of God. Life is good but it can also be tough. God doesn’t want us to go it alone. He wants us to live life together, laugh together, cry together, and just be together. After watching our friend Sam survive almost two months in the wilderness by himself in the show called “Alone,” it has never been more apparent to me that God did not design man (and woman) to be alone. He wants us to fellowship together. And that is my reason for writing this blog. To bring us together in this crazy, get-me-off-this-ride-Im-going-to-be-sick world through this weird thing called a blog. If there’s spelling errors, I apologize. I haven’t figured out how to move to another screen to use the Miriam-Webster website. My husband says to toggle. Whatever that means.

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